Ritual ElectronicsAranea 5x5 Matrix Mixer

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Ritual Electronics Aranea

The Aranea from Ritual Electronics is a matrix mixer featuring five inputs, five routable output sources, and ten outputs for combining and creating stacked and interrupted mixdowns. Featuring DC-coupling, the Aranea can be great for mixing audio, CV, or both at the same time for creating deep modulation sources and bussed instruments...or, of course, you can just use it to create insane howling feedback.

The S-curve attenuverters serve as a great way to not only mix live for a natural curvature to the higher levels with inversion to create interference or strengthen other signals. Each matrix row outputs its own mix with combo outputs mixing between multiple rows and a mix output to combine all rows into one single source. Design ultra-unique timbres and modulation signals with Ritual Electronics' Aranea.

Aranea Features

  • 5x5 matrix mixer
  • DC-coupled, independent inputs and outputs
  • Mix output along with combo outputs (A+B, D+E, /, \)
  • S-curve attenuverters for inverting incoming signals
  • TBD
  • TBD
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Ritual Electronics Aranea 5x5 Matrix Mixer Reviews